The symbol charts that are generated when this tool is used areavailable to all software products.
– Data exchange with other Windows programs – Definition of symbolic designations and comments for the processsignals (inputs/outputs), flags and blocks With the tool Symbol Editor all global variables (in contrast tothe local formal parameters that are declared when the blocks areprogrammed) are managed. The SIMATIC software tools that are necessary for processingthe selected data are automatically started by SIMATIC Manager. It provides a common entry point for all SIMATIC S7, C7 or WinACtools. The SIMATIC Manager manages all data belonging to an automationproject, regardless of the target system (SIMATIC S7, SIMATIC C7 orSIMATIC WinAC) on which they are implemented. – Configuring and parameterizing the hardware SIMATIC STEP 7 contains convenient functions for all phases of anautomation project: It enables the user to use the performancecapability of these systems easily and conveniently. Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7 software is theprofessional tool for the SIMATIC S7, SIMATIC C7 and SIMATIC WinACautomation systems.